How to Breed a Shugabush on My Singing Monsters

Welcome to this comprehensive guide on how to breed a Shugabush in the beloved game, My Singing Monsters. If you’re an avid player looking to expand your monster collection or a newcomer eager to discover the secrets of breeding these enchanting creatures, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll explore the step-by-step process of breeding a Shugabush and provide valuable insights to help you achieve success in your virtual monster-breeding journey. So, let’s dive right in!

Understanding the Shugabush

Before we dive into the breeding process, let’s take a moment to understand what a Shugabush is. In My Singing Monsters, Shugabush is a unique, hybrid monster that combines elements from two different monster species. This rare monster stands out with its mesmerizing appearance and captivating musical abilities.

The Ingredients for Successful Breeding

To breed a Shugabush, you’ll need specific combinations of monsters that share compatible elements. These elements play a crucial role in determining the outcome of your breeding attempts. The elements required for breeding a Shugabush are:

  1. Earth Element: Represented by monsters like Toe Jammer and Quarrister.
  2. Cold Element: Represented by monsters like Congle and PomPom.
  3. Air Element: Represented by monsters like Furcorn and Thumpies.
  4. Water Element: Represented by monsters like Noggin and Potbelly.

Breeding Combinations

Now that we know the essential elements for Shugabush breeding, let’s explore some proven combinations that increase your chances of success:

Combination 1: Quarrister + Congle

This combination brings together the Earth and Cold elements, increasing the likelihood of getting a Shugabush. Be patient, as breeding is not an instant process, and it might take several attempts to get the desired result.

Combination 2: Thumpies + Potbelly

Bringing Air and Water elements together might lead to a Shugabush. Remember, the breeding process involves an element of luck, so don’t be disheartened if you don’t get the desired monster right away.

Combination 3: Toe Jammer + Furcorn

Combining Earth and Air elements has also been known to produce a Shugabush. Remember to keep experimenting with different combinations to maximize your chances.

Patience is Key

As with any game that involves breeding and chance, patience is vital. Successful breeding might not happen on the first attempt, or even the second or third. The key is to remain persistent and consistent in your efforts.

The Joy of Discovering New Combinations

In the world of My Singing Monsters, part of the excitement lies in uncovering new breeding combinations. As you experiment with different pairs of monsters, you might stumble upon rare and unique hybrids that will astound you. Embrace the joy of discovery as you progress in the game.

Nurture and Care for Your Shugabush

Once you successfully breed a Shugabush, it’s essential to provide it with the love and care it deserves. Just like any other monster in My Singing Monsters, your Shugabush needs attention and nurturing. Ensure you place it in a suitable environment and keep it well-fed to unleash its musical talent.

Unlocking Shugabush’s Musical Potential

Shugabush possesses extraordinary musical abilities, and nurturing these talents can lead to delightful surprises. As your Shugabush grows, it will unlock unique songs and melodies that will enrich your musical landscape in the game.

Building a Thriving Monster Sanctuary

As you continue your journey in My Singing Monsters, you’ll discover that breeding and collecting monsters go hand in hand with creating a harmonious and thriving sanctuary. Each monster brings its own unique musical element to the table, creating a symphony of sounds that delights players of all ages.

The Importance of Community and Sharing

My Singing Monsters has a vibrant and supportive community of players who are passionate about the game. Engage with fellow players, share your breeding successes, and learn from others’ experiences. Building connections with the community can enhance your gaming experience and open up new opportunities.

Shugabush is used in these combinations:





Shugabush and pompom can breed the shugitar monster.





Shugabush and deedge can breed the shugavox monster.





Shugabush and mammott can breed the shugarock monster.





Shugabush and oaktopus can breed the shugajo monster.





Shugabush and quibble can breed the shugabuzz monster.




Shugabush and furcorn can breed the shugabeats monster.




Shugabush and potbelly can breed the shugabass monster.

Steps to Breed Shugabuzz

  1. Build a breeding structure.
  2. Place a Shugabass and a Clamble in the breeding structure.
  3. Wait for the breeding process to complete, which can take a few hours or days.
  4. Collect the egg that is produced by the breeding process.
  5. Wait for the egg to hatch into a baby Shugabush.
  6. Place the Shugabush in a suitable habitat.
  7. Feed and level up the Shugabush like any other monster in the game.

It’s important to note that breeding a Shugabush is not guaranteed and may require multiple attempts. Players can also increase their chances of success by using certain strategies, such as leveling up their monsters and upgrading their breeding structures.


Breed a Shugabush and embark on an enchanting journey in My Singing Monsters. Unleash your creativity, experiment with different combinations, and celebrate the joy of discovering rare hybrids. Remember, patience and persistence are the keys to success. Nurturing your Shugabush and building a thriving monster sanctuary will reward you with a symphony of magical melodies. Join the vibrant My Singing Monsters community and share your adventures with fellow players. Embrace the wonder of this virtual world and let the music of your monsters mesmerize you.


What level do I need to be to breed a Shugabush?

You need to be at least level 20 in the game.

What monsters do I need to breed to get a Shugabush?

You need to combine a Shugabass and Clamble monster.

How long does the breeding process take?

The breeding process can take several hours or even days.

How can I improve my chances of breeding a Shugabush?

You can use a higher-level breeding structure, special items or decorations, or breed during special events or promotions.

Can I trade or gift my Shugabush to other players?

Yes, you can trade or gift.

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