How to Link Google Calendar to Planbook?

Are you looking for a seamless way to integrate your Google Calendar with Planbook? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the step-by-step process of linking your Google Calendar to Planbook. By the end of this article, you’ll be able to effortlessly sync your events and appointments between these two platforms, streamlining your scheduling and boosting your productivity.

Why Link Google Calendar to Planbook?

Before we delve into the nitty-gritty of the linking process, let’s discuss why integrating Google Calendar with Planbook is a smart move. Google Calendar is a powerful tool that many of us rely on for managing our daily schedules, events, and reminders. On the other hand, Planbook is a specialized platform designed specifically for educators to plan and organize their lessons, assignments, and classroom activities.

By connecting these two platforms, you’ll be able to:

  1. Centralize Your Schedule: Have all your events, classes, and appointments in one place for easy access and management.
  2. Efficient Lesson Planning: Seamlessly incorporate your Google Calendar events into your lesson plans, ensuring a well-structured academic schedule.
  3. Time Optimization: Prevent scheduling conflicts and ensure you allocate appropriate time for both professional and personal commitments.

Step-by-Step Guide to Link Google Calendar to Planbook

Step 1: Sign into Your Google Account

First and foremost, make sure you’re signed into your Google Account. This is essential to access your Google Calendar.

Step 2: Access Google Calendar Settings

Once you’re signed in, navigate to Google Calendar. In the top-right corner, click on the gear icon to access the settings menu.

Step 3: Select “Settings”

From the dropdown menu, click on “Settings.” This will take you to the Settings page of your Google Calendar.

Step 4: Create a New Calendar

In the left sidebar, locate the “Add Calendar” button and click on it. Choose “Create new calendar.”

Step 5: Configure Calendar Settings

Give your new calendar a name and customize the settings according to your preferences. You can choose the calendar’s color, time zone, and other relevant details.

Step 6: Add Events to Your New Calendar

Now, start adding events to your newly created calendar. These events will be synced with Planbook.

Step 7: Export Google Calendar

Once your events are added, go back to the “Settings” page. Under the “Calendar Settings” tab, locate your newly created calendar.

Step 8: Generate Calendar URL

Click on the calendar name to reveal its settings. Scroll down to the “Integrate calendar” section and find the “Public address in iCal format” option. Click on it to generate the URL.

Step 9: Copy the Calendar URL

A pop-up window will appear displaying the generated URL. Copy this URL to your clipboard.

Step 10: Import Calendar to Planbook

Open a new tab and navigate to your Planbook account. In Planbook, find the option to import an external calendar or subscribe to a calendar.

Step 11: Paste the URL

Paste the copied URL from your Google Calendar into the designated field. Ensure that you select the correct options for syncing and updating.

Step 12: Verify and Save

After pasting the URL, verify the settings and click on the “Save” or “Import” button, depending on Planbook’s interface.

Congratulations! You’ve successfully linked your Google Calendar to Planbook. Your events and appointments will now be seamlessly synchronized between these two platforms.

Tips for Seamless Integration

To make the most of this integration, consider the following tips:

  • Regular Updates: Keep both your Google Calendar and Planbook updated to ensure accurate and real-time synchronization.
  • Color-Coding: Assign specific colors to different types of events to easily distinguish between them.
  • Double-Check Settings: Periodically review your settings to ensure that your events are syncing correctly.
  • Notifications: Set up notifications in both Google Calendar and Planbook to stay informed about upcoming events and deadlines.


Integrating your Google Calendar with Planbook can significantly enhance your organizational skills and streamline your daily routines. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you’ll be able to link these two powerful tools seamlessly. Say goodbye to scheduling conflicts and missed appointments as you enjoy the benefits of synchronized planning.

So, why wait? Take advantage of the integration between Google Calendar and Planbook today and experience a more efficient and productive workflow.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I link multiple Google Calendars to Planbook?

Yes, you can link multiple Google Calendars to Planbook. Simply follow the steps outlined in this article for each calendar you wish to integrate.

Will linking my Google Calendar to Planbook overwrite any existing data?

Linking your Google Calendar to Planbook will not overwrite any existing data in either platform. The integration ensures that events and lesson plans are synced without deleting or modifying existing information.

What if I want to unlink my Google Calendar from Planbook?

If you decide to unlink your Google Calendar from Planbook, you can access the integration settings within Planbook. Look for an option to disconnect or remove the calendar integration.

Can I sync changes made in Planbook back to my Google Calendar?

Currently, the integration between Google Calendar and Planbook primarily focuses on syncing changes made in Google Calendar to Planbook. Syncing changes made in Planbook back to Google Calendar may not be supported or available.

Are there any limitations to linking Google Calendar and Planbook?

While linking Google Calendar to Planbook offers numerous benefits, it’s essential to note that the integration relies on the functionalities and limitations of both platforms. Familiarize yourself with each tool’s specific features and capabilities to make the most out of the integration.

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